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Update Ragon v1.2.0!

· One min read
Eduard Kargin

After much refactoring, was made rollback and now functionality is gradually restored, in version 1.2.0 returned the functionality of the extension plugins

Ragon v1.1.0

  • Effective data compression
  • New faster serialization
  • Rewritten client SDK from scratch and split into two modules C# SDK and Unity SDK
  • New C# SDK allows integration with other game engines which also use C# language, or integration with Unity itself into its own architecture
  • C# SDK is completely free from the monoblock and Unity lifecycle
  • New Unity SDK superstructure over the C# SDK, with improved integration for unity and out-of-the-box components
  • First off-the-shelf components, for synchronizing positions and animations
  • Modifiable transport layer (ENet, LNL, KCP, WS)
  • Modify logging

Ragon v1.2.0:

  • Added plugin system to extend Ragon.Relay Server
  • Added web hooks for basic operations and authorization